Wednesday, October 19, 2016

scary clown sighting

I was doing my normal chicken routine and right when I came out of the coop to refill the water I hear twigs popping behind me in the woods, I look up and see this very freaky clown with a crowbar sneaking up behind me. Scared me to death !! I ran inside to call the police and did not come out til they arrived when I then went to retrieve my camera 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Worlds smallest chicken egg !!

I have a YouTube channel called the chicken show. And I show things like how to build and repair chicken coops. And what it's like to have backyard chickens. On a daily basis I collect the chicken eggs and repair the chicken coop feed and water them and tips on the best way to care for them. Here is a video from my YouTube channel were I found the smallest chicken egg I've ever seen or gotten so check it out and if you like it!! Like, share and subscribe to my channel

Saturday, April 23, 2016

chickens plucking each other's feathers?!?

I know it's been a long time sense we have written anything about our chickens, we finally published a new video on our YouTube channel, we've moved and we got everything set back up and the girls have been plucking each others feathers and we can't seem to get them to quit. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas please comment below or under the video. We have tried different things, like removing the girls that started the plucking, removing the rooster, adding more pearches, we removed the tarp from the top to make it seem like there is more room, we do plan on adding more space to their run this spring.
Thanks for reading 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Backyard Chickens... Picking the right Flock and the Right size coop for you and your needs

Having Backyard Chickens is much more than just adding a few more pets to your home, Its adding much more than that. Before you decide on getting Chickens Do the research and decide if Backyard Chickens will be right for you...
   First off, There is a lot of work involved with owning chickens, You have to first build them a proper coop, and to do that you need to decide how many chickens you want to have, and then you decide if you want to make your coop big enough where you can add more chickens later or maybe you want to eventually raise your own chickens from eggs, so be sure to consider this before you pick the coop that is right for you. Another thing to keep in mind is that (and this is a fact, you will hear all Backyard Chicken owner say this) Backyard Chickens are very addictive, you usually cant just stop at a couple hahaha!!!
   Now, after you have decided on how big your chicken coop and run is going to be, you need to pick the right flock for you!! There are so many different kinds of chickens out there, Are you getting backyard chickens mainly as pets, do you want eggs everyday, Are you planning on raising chickens from eggs later? Are you planning on eating your chickens (I could never eat mine, all though I love eating chicken, my girls are off the menu) How is your climate, do you have hard winters, very hot summers, all these things are something that you should consider and research to be sure you are choosing the right flock for you!

Don't forget to check out our Ruffs Backyard Chicken Youtube Channel

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Backyard Chicken Routine...

I have a routine each morning, and to have happy chickens and have them laying lovely eggs for you each day, you should try to stay on a schedule with them everyday. The happier a chicken is, the more eggs it lays and the longer it will live. These guys aren't just a chicken to us, they are apart of our family. We give them love, treats, attention, and all their essentials.
     I always have their chicken door open to their yard by 6am, they usually come out around 6:30 each morning, some linger behind and be lazy, they all have their own little personalities and things they do that makes them special.
    Around 9-10 am each morning, I take them their special morning breakfast treat, now this is not something you have to do, I choose to do it because I love them, I enjoy giving them special things they like to eat, I feel that it makes them very happy, it gives them something to look forward to each day, and it lets them know that I care for them. Therefor they show me that they care for me too, by allowing me to pet them, and hold them. Which, of course, makes me happy!! So its a win win for me lol!!
    Along with their breakfast treats, I make sure that they have plenty of water, they have plenty of scratch to pluck around at, and plenty of feed in their feeder. Now this is something as a Backyard Chicken owner you do have to do... Which you probably know this because its a No Brainer, haha!!
  I also check my laying boxes for any eggs, My girls haven't started laying yet, But in the next week or so we will have eggs!! We got the first set of girls when they were only 4 months old, Henry was 7 months old at the time, We have had them for almost 2 months, in that time we have bought 5 more girls and plan on buying more... 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Our First Backyard Chicken post

How did we get started with chickens??
  Well about 2 months ago my husband was talking about things we could do to make our home more special and have more fun things to do. He said "why don't we get some chickens, it would be cool to have a few so the kids would have the experience" I said sure.
  There was an old little building type thing at the corner of our yard, I guess the previous land owners left, and he thought it would make a great coop. So he messed around with it adding different things to it to make it a great little coop.
  The next thing I know he meets a guy called "The Chicken Man" (his real name is Aymen) and he has hundreds of chickens. He taught us the basics and told us to call him anytime we needed him. We brought home 3 chickens and a big beautiful Rooster. That was the beginning, I had fell in love with them. There little personalitys all so different.
  We went back and got 3 more chickens, well they fit in just fine.
My husband thought that they needed a bigger better coop, so he began his project... About $1000 later and about 2 weeks of very hard work, he had built the most perfect chicken coop I had ever seen, and we went and got 4 more sweet girls to add to our flock.
   Stay tuned for more post, thanks for reading!!
